By Musicalweb

Zin in Zappelin Live Sells 25,000 Tickets

Theaterkrant Review of Smiley & Endless Second

By Juliette Georges

Arts Talk Magazine Review of Smiley & Endless Second

By Michael Hasted

“Both very likeable, Ties Jansen as Bruno the architect and Rodney Giano as Alex gave well judged, convincing performances.”

Musicalnieuws NL Review of Chicago - The Revival

Zin in Zappelin Live Trailer

Chicago - The Revival: Billy Flynn Trailer

Recap Zin in Zappelin Live Premiere

Musicalnieuws NL Review of Zin in Zappelin Live

By Elise Kant

‘[De kracht van de voorstelling] is ook het leuke en goede acteerwerk van de drie spelers, naast Fenna Ramos zijn dat Jill Tjin en Ties Jansen, die soepeltjes van de ene in de andere rol springen.’

“[The show’s power] also lies in the fun and good work from the three actors, besides Fenna Ramos also Jill Tjin and Ties Jansen, who smoothly jump from one role into the next.”

Musicalnieuws NL Review of Be More Chill

Musical World NL on Be More Chill (feat. Cast and Creative Team Interviews)

Arts Talk Magazine Review of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

“The two other spellers Olive (Fien Tol) and Chip (Ties Jansen) also deliver impressive numbers with pathos and with crowd-pleasing smut respectively with The I Love You Song and My Unfortunate Erection. The latter’s comic ballad opens Act 2 with a bang (sorry!) and it goes down a treat with the audience.”

BroadwayinHolland.TV Review of Chicago

‘Ties Jansen als advocaat Billy Flynn is ook een onmiskenbaar talent. Hij straalt autoriteit uit en zijn stem is krachtig en overtuigend. Hij heeft de nodige charme en humor die zijn personage zo memorabel maken.’

“Ties Jansen as lawyer Billy Flynn is also an unmistakable talent. He radiates authority, and his voice is powerful and convincing. He has the necessary charm and sense of humor that make his character so memorable.”